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Conditions treated at KneadRelief: Specialist physical pain relief and massage therapy in Calgary

Is pain your unwanted companion? 

To me, you're not just another number with an appointment.


You're the athlete sidelined with a knee that just won't cooperate.


The professional with a back so stiff, it screams louder than the deadlines.


The parent who winces with shoulder pain, when all you want is to lift your child without flinching.

I can help with many physical pain conditions.

Dennis Lee, RAPID NeuroFascial Reset Specialist and Massage Therapist working on a client to relieve their pain

Doesn't it annoy you when someone says "oh, just take a painkiller and keep moving? 


As if you hadn't tried that already, as if you didn't want to keep living your life. 


I understand that "back pain" and "mobility problems" are more than a label; they're problems that can completely ruin your life, ruining even the very best days and making them drab and dreary. 


Thanks to my extensive training, including being a RAPID NeuroFascial Reset Specialist, I can deal with a huge array of conditions that most therapists can't. 


Here's just some of the conditions my clients often come to see me with:

Struggling with a condition that I've not listed? 


Been told that no one can help you? 


I love working with complex and difficult problems and helping people who have failed to find pain relief or increased mobility elsewhere get their lives back. 


Why not get in touch with me and find out how I can help you today? 


I offer direct billing to your insurance, easing your mind as well as your body!
Insurance company logos for companies that offer direct billing to for massage clients
A list of insurance companies that Dennis Lee massage therapist in Calgary can direct bill
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