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Struggling with shoulder pain in Calgary? 

Shoulder pain is a very common condition, with different studies suggesting anything between 18 to 26 percent of adults having shoulder pain at any one time. 


Worryingly, up to half the people who are diagnosed with shoulder pain by a primary care physician still have pain in their shoulder six months later. 


Medical advice about shoulder pain has changed over the years - with surgery and injections having fallen out of favour; it's no surprise that many people struggling with long term shoulder pain often don't know where to turn for help.


At KneadRelief, I know that there is more that can be done.

Shoulder Pain: Understanding The Problem

A woman with shoulder pain needs help from Dennis Lee, massage and pain relief specialist

Shoulder pain, often starting as a minor nuisance, can quickly escalate into a life-altering issue.


It can stem from various causes, but regardless of how it starts, shoulder issues end up affecting how you engage with your world. From simple tasks like lifting a grocery bag to enjoying a game of tennis, shoulder pain can significantly impact daily life. Understanding its common causes is the first step towards effective management and treatment.


The shoulder is a highly mobile joint. Although many people imagine that the upper arm bone (the humerus) is firmly connected into the shoulder bone (scapula) in a socket, it's actually held in place by a variety of ligaments and tendons. This allows for huge flexibility and mobility, but does mean we can injure our shoulders too. 


Common Causes of Shoulder Pain


My journey from the tech industry to healing has taught me the value of understanding the root causes of pain. Here are some common triggers of shoulder pain:


Sports activities are often a cause of shoulder pain and shoulder injury. Many of our favourite sports such as basketball, volleyball, tennis and golf involve fast and forceful movements of the shoulder joint. These movements are often repetitive or involve sudden impacts, and can result in shoulder damage, although it is not always the case that damage causes pain. A famous study with professional volleyball players showed that although they all had damage  according to an MRI scan, they did not have pain from the damage (they were "asymptomatic").


Sometimes, people are told that their shoulder injury is due to "age related wear and tear". Although our bodies do age, and this can come with issues such as arthritis, this does not mean that shoulder pain is inevitable or unavoidable. 


An often under-treated cause of shoulder pain can be menopause. Affecting women from around 44 onwards, the menopause causes hormonal changes that affect many of the structures of the body, including ligaments, tendons and joints. This can lead to discomfort and stiffness in the shoulder. 


Sporting activities can cause shoulder injuries, but so can other repetitive movements, such as work related movements. This is especially true when it comes to jobs that involve lifting or overhead activity. This can cause strain to the muscles around the shoulder. 


Posture issues are often blamed for shoulder injuries. While "good" posture and "bad" posture is rarely as simple as it seems, keeping the same posture for hours at a time can lead to problems. It's important not only to keep moving but to move into different positions regularly. 


Home Remedies: The Initial Step

While recognizing these causes, I also believe in the power of simple home interventions when it comes to dealing with shoulder pain. So if you have shoulder pain, here's some simple techniques you can try to help the situation. 


Reducing activities that have been causing the pain is a good first step, although it is important to keep going with gentle movements in order to keep the joint mobile. Complete immobility is rarely a good idea. 

Icing the shoulder common home care advice but the most up-to-date scientific advice is that icing can slow down healing in many cases. It's not as simple as "never icing", but for the vast majority of people, applying heat (either using a microwavable heat pad or hot water bottle) is more beneficial and certainly more comforting than icing. 


Using anti-inflammatory medication (sometimes know as NSAIDs) are also often advised in the case of a shoulder injury. However, this ignores the fact that inflammation is a necessary part of healing for most injuries and anti-inflammatories can therefore slow down healing. Other painkillers don't have the same issue and therefore may be preferable if possible. 


Targeted stretching of the joint can help to ensure that not too much strength or flexibility is lost, although this should not go into pain or become overly uncomfortable. If you're unsure what level of stretching to do, it is worth seeking advice from a professional. 


Reducing stress is really important, no matter what the cause of the original injury has been. Stress can increase sensitivity to pain. as well as cause posture changes (specifically hunching of the shoulders) that occur instinctively and aggravate the injury further. 


When Simple Remedies Fall Short


Despite these measures, sometimes shoulder pain persists, indicating a need for a more specialist approach.


KneadRelief's Unique Approach to Shoulder Pain and Shoulder Joint Injury Relief in Calgary


In my Calgary-based practice, I use advanced massage therapy techniques and RAPID NeuroFascial Reset to delve into the unique aspects of your shoulder pain and help you resolve it as quickly as possible. 


If you're grappling with persistent shoulder discomfort, you need to know that there's a path to relief that starts here at KneadRelief. 


If you're ready to move beyond the pain and reclaim your active lifestyle, reach out to me and book an appointment today.


Let’s embark on a journey to shoulder pain relief, tailored specifically to your unique needs.


I offer direct billing to your insurance, easing your mind as well as your body!
Dennis Lee offers direct billing to insurance for massage and RAPID NeuroFascial Reset therapies
Direct billing to insurance companies by Dennis Lee for massage and RAPID NFR therapy for joint and muscle pain.
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